- 撰文 / 攝影:Hong
- 產品提供:亞林電單車行
- 上載日期:2012-07-28
YOSHIMURA R-11與R-77J排氣喉 現貨抵港 多年來,日本Yoshimura改裝部品與Suzuki車廠合作無間,成績有目共暏。2012年的日本鈴鹿八耐賽事,Yoshimura車隊更邀得現役WSBK Suzuki的Leon Camier、澳洲SBK Suzuki 廠隊車手Josh Waters及日本的青木 宣篤參與,在星期五(7月27日)中午舉行的排位賽,車隊更造出第三快時間。除此之外,Yoshimura今年更全力協助Suzuki的WSBK車隊爭取佳績,車手也是Leon Camier,除了協助引擎調校外,更為車隊提供全新研發排氣管,為本季賽車作好準備。是次,Yoshimura更將為廠隊設計的排氣管帶到市販市場,這條超型三角形排氣喉適合多款Superbike使用,並且首批經己抵港。此外,另有適合HONDA NC 700車系的R-77J排氣喉同時到港,如有興趣可到總代理觀看。
YOSHIMURA R-11 超型三角排氣喉
YOSHIMURA R-11全梳排氣喉暫時只提供GSX-R 1000及GSX-R 600 GSX-R600(11-)/ GSX-R750 (11-)SLIP-ON R-11 DUAL EXIT
S1000RR(10-11)SLIP-ON R-11 DUAL EXIT
SM (Metal Magic黑色灰纖紋金屬外殼),美觀更有質感。 YOSHIMURA R-77J排氣喉 適合HONDA 新款NC 700 Integra、NC 700S、NC 700X車系的YOSHIMURA R-77J排氣喉同時抵港,並提供SM (MeMetal Magic黑色灰纖紋金屬外殼)、ST (鈦金屬外殼)、STB (鈦合金幻彩外殼)三個版本,可供選購。下列提供廠方的Dyno測試圖表,讀者可先參考。 紅線為YOSHIMURA R-77J 尾節排氣喉 藍線為原廠排氣喉
SM (MeMetal Magic黑色灰纖紋金屬外殼)、ST (鈦金屬外殼)、STB (鈦合金幻彩外殼)三個版本可供選購。
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this is Nora from Qingdao City, China Mainland.
May I ask you have Yoshimula R-11 Suzuki GSR750?
If you have, may i ask how much? and how about the delivery time? Thanks.
this is Nora from Qingdao City, China Mainland.
May I ask you have Yoshimula R-11 Suzuki GSR750?
If you have, may i ask how much? and how about the delivery time? Thanks.
this is Nora from Qingdao City, China Mainland.
May I ask you have Yoshimula R-11 Suzuki GSR750?
If you have, may i ask how much? and how about the delivery time? Thanks.
this is Nora from Qingdao City, China Mainland.
May I ask you have Yoshimula R-11 Suzuki GSR750?
If you have, may i ask how much? and how about the delivery time? Thanks.
this is Nora from Qingdao City, China Mainland.
May I ask you have Yoshimula R-11 Suzuki GSR750?
If you have, may i ask how much? and how about the delivery time? Thanks.
this is Nora from Qingdao City, China Mainland.
May I ask you have Yoshimula R-11 Suzuki GSR750?
If you have, may i ask how much? and how about the delivery time? Thanks.